Rental Terms and Conditions

Bookings are subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • A contract between you and the owner will come into existence when the deposit or full payment is received, and a booking confirmation is issued showing the confirmed holiday dates.
  • The full payment must be paid within 60 days of the booking taking place.
  • The contract binds you (the lead booker) & all the members of the party who are part of the booking. It is your responsibility to ensure that all members of your party accept the terms of the contract set out in these terms & conditions. Failure to disclose all relevant information or comply with these terms may lead to termination of the contract & loss of the booking.
  • We require the number of guests, Adults and Children.
  • A 30% deposit of the holiday cost is payable at the time of booking.
  • Bookings made less than sixty days before your arrival date must be paid in full.
  • The balance must be paid no later than sixty days before the commencement of your holiday. If the balance is not received by the due date, then your holiday will be treated as a cancellation.
  • All cancellations must be notified in writing and once received we will confirm the cancellation.
  • The customer remains liable for a percentage of the booking cost when a cancellation is received, as detailed below:

Number of days before the holiday when cancelled     The % of booking cost payable

More than 60 days                                                                5% of the booking cost
45 to 59 days                                                                          40% of the booking cost
30 to 44 days                                                                          50% of the booking cost
15 to 29 days                                                                           75% of the booking cost
7 to 14 days                                                                             90% of the booking cost
0 to 6 days                                                                               100% of the booking cost

  • If we are successful in getting a replacement booking, we will refund the total amount paid less a 5% booking fee and any difference in price between your original and the replacement booking.
  • We strongly advise that you take out comprehensive travel insurance to cover cancellations. If you choose not to, then you accept responsibility for any loss that you may incur due to your cancellation.
  • If your booking is cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control, notification will be given of the cancellation as soon as possible and we will promptly refund all payments made to us for your holiday. Our liability for cancellation will be limited to payments made to us.
  • If our property must close due to government restrictions or your address is put into local/regional lockdown for your holiday dates and you are unable to travel, you will be refunded in full.
  • The maximum number of persons occupying the property must not exceed (6 persons) and only those counted on the booking form can occupy the property. If you wish to invite additional visitors to visit you during your stay, please ask us first.


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